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Home » Things To Do in Nusa Penida » Thousand Island Viewpoint Nusa Penida For Ultimate Ocean View Experience

It seems like a nowadays trend to visit the small islands instead of wandering in Bali main-island. Nevertheless, it’s not really a problem since these islands have stunning panoramic for the world to see. One of the most preferred to visit is Nusa Penida, which around 30-45 minutes across by boat. This island offers many tourist destinations, such as Thousand Island Viewpoint.

About the Thousand Island Viewpoint

The Thousand Island Viewpoint is a literal translation from how the local called this viewpoint, Pulau Seribu. The reason for this given name is because the view of this place displays a look of floating islands scenery on the ocean. Aside from that, there’s also the rock formation that adds the magnificent picture of nature from this place.

2 days 1 night tour package | Thousand Island Viewpoint Nusa Penida For Ultimate Ocean View Experience

Thousand Island Viewpoint Nusa Penida For Ultimate Ocean View Experience

People also know this viewpoint as Raja Lima Nusa Penida. To get here, you have to head for the east side of the island for around one and a half an hour drive. Whether you rent a motorcycle or car, you should remember to be careful as the road is tricky with ups and downs and turns. The place is only 15 drives from Atuh Beach. For the entrance you need to pay Rp 5.000 which also covers for The Tree House (Rumah Pohon Nusa Penida).

Things to Expect When Visiting Thousand Island Viewpoint

In most the tourist destinations in Nusa Penida offer rugged beauty of natural sceneries, so does this viewpoint. One thing to note is that the place is the most eastern side of the island. And if you’re lucky, you can see Lombok Island from this place. Below is a list of what to expect when visiting the place:

  1. Get Ready for a Walk

Just like the other destination in Nusa Penida, you have to get ready for a walk. But compared the other place, you don’t need to walk for that long. Estimated time from the parking lot until the first viewpoint is around 5 minutes on foot. Although, if the weather is hot it can be hard work. So, dress accordingly and bring some water.

  1. Two Viewpoints

There are two viewpoints you can enjoy in this place (maybe three if you count on The Tree House). They display different angle of the scenery from the most eastern side of Nusa Penida. The first viewpoint is narrower than the second. But the second one has a local praying statue. Some tourist feel burdened with this, but it’s local wisdom and tradition. And if you have the same opinion, better to keep it yourself and don’t express it to others. It’s a way you can do to tolerate other beliefs.

  1. Humble Developed

Don’t expect too much with this place. Just like the others, the safety guard is perfunctory. The rail made from arm sized steam, bamboo, and ropes which weathered in several places. The steps are in better shape because of made of concrete. Also, there’s a food stall at the entrance with its fried noodle get famous among the international tourists.

If you plan to visit Thousand Island Viewpoint in your Nusa Penida tour, choose when the weather is nice. Even if above mentioned about the hot weather is tiring, but don’t come on rainy days. The reason is that the road will get slippery and will be dangerous to drive.





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Tentang Kami

Kami adalah salah satu Biro jasa Tour Guide & Transport yang melayani perjalanan wisata di pulau Nusa Penida dan sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 2017.
Kami menyediakan Paket Wisata Nusa Penida / Paket Tour Nusa Penida dengan harga Paket Tour Hemat dan Bersahabat.

Dipandu oleh Tour Guide Lokal asli Nusa Penida yang Profesional dan Pengalaman dibidang Travelling.

Sehingga kami dapat membantu Anda dalam memenuhi dan mewujudkan liburan Anda yang menarik dan menyenangkan selama berlibur di Nusa Penida.

Dan kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda telah berkunjung ke website kami.


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